
Around the world, unimaginable quantities of still good food end up in the trash. In Germany, every citizen throws away an average of 80 kg of excess food per year. There are not even reliable figures about the disposal in the commercial sector with an estimated 5 – 13% loss of goods. Overall, about 50% of all food available here in Germany is not consumed. While in western countries this is mostly due to oversaturation, in India, for example, urgently needed food spoils due to a lack of suitable storage facilities, cold storage houses, functioning cold chains, regulated power supply, insufficient transport facilities, etc.

At the same time, 815 million people are currently starving worldwide. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, the number rose again significantly, a statistic that has been declining since 1990. Today, more people die of hunger worldwide than of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis together!

On the world market, there is a shortage of discarded food or its raw and auxiliary materials, driving prices up sharply worldwide. Globally the cultivation areas become scarce with ever more humans on our planet. Not to mention the vast quantities of unnecessarily grown fodder and animals bred in intensive fattening and slaughtered on a piecework basis.

Utilize good instead of destroying

Preserving, fermenting, smoking, drying, curing …, there are many simple, over centuries proven ways to make food with simple means safely unrefrigerated long shelf life. This is where Secondfood comes in.
Secondfood offers:


Often there is a lack of good and easy to understand instructions on how to preserve food simply and safely. How do I know if the food is still good? We have started to collect all important data in an offline usable APP. In this open source encyclopedia of food processing everyone can contribute with his knowledge and experience.


We build mobile units to preserve large quantities together and make them available. For many machines we create open source blueprints for easy rebuilding with simple means.
Secondfood works:


Preserving fresh food together. Secondfood’s mobile food processing infrastructure can be used autonomously, allowing for independent operations. It is important to us to encourage people of all ages and social status not to treat food carelessly but to appreciate it. Surplus food can be used to produce tasty and healthy food, which can be easily prepared and kept unrefrigerated for a long time. Together with Fairdirect Services UG we offer various projects and lectures on the topic of “Appreciating and preserving food”.


Of the current 815 million hungry people, 50% are small farmers or their families. Since they are poor, they cannot buy enough food when their harvest is poor and have to go hungry. Even when the harvest is good, they rarely receive a living price for their goods because they usually lack fair and direct access to customers worldwide. Many harvested products spoil quickly due to a lack of infrastructure (e.g. lack of cold storage) and can thus only be used, stored or sold themselves to a very limited extent. Many small farmers are deprived of the little land they cultivate and thus of their livelihood.

Secondfood offers these people free access to the knowledge that all Secondfood producers collect together by processing food into Secondfood. By passing on suitable machines or specific instructions for rebuilding suitable machines, a real, functioning, long-term help for self-help is created.

Secondfood is:

  • Active protection of resources, animals, climate and environment. The main ingredients of Secondfood food are not specially grown, raised or bred. The basis of Secondfood products are qualitatively still good and otherwise destroyed food. Secondfood = second chance for first choice!
  • Inclusion. Secondfood offers socially disadvantaged people all over the world help to help themselves.
  • Quality. The exclusive processing of qualitatively good, but otherwise destroyed food under professional conditions offers good quality. This is what the Secondfood quality label stands for. All Secondfood products are regularly monitored for quality and taste.
  • Non Profit. Secondfood is neither profit-oriented nor dependent on donations.

To the Secondfood- Forum

You are thinking? You have questions? We are happy to hear from you!