What we believe
We believe that no deed, no matter how good, makes anyone righteous before God. Everyone needs forgiveness for their sins, no one is blameless. We receive this forgiveness not by keeping the Mosaic Law and/or doing good deeds, but solely because Jesus Christ died on the cross for each one of us. So what no one can earn, God gives in His goodness. Everyone who believes this, claims this gift for himself and follows Jesus Christ belongs to God’s great family. By grace alone and not because we have done or have to do anything for it.
Merely believing that God exists is not enough. For that is what the demons do as well. Paying lip service to faith that has no effect in life is just as illogical as expressing compassion to a starving person while leaving him out in the rain.
Why we do what we do
We believe that faith is a living relationship with the Triune God that changes our whole being and has effects that are visible to others. Out of love, not works-righteousness.
A perfect Christian does not exist. Everyone will have vices throughout his life that he cannot get rid of. Everyone needs forgiveness again and again. Being a Christian does not mean conforming our behavior to other people’s expectations. In the same way, it does not mean to remain as we are. God wants to restore us to the way He originally intended us to be. This is a change that we cannot acquire by ourselves, but that the Holy Spirit can bring about within us. Through our willingness to let Him change us, a lifelong process starts within us with hurdles, sometimes disappointments, growing patience, hope and love in our hearts.
The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.”
Current events such as the climate crisis, pandemics, wars and the effects of these pose great challenges to all of us and frighten more and more people. How important it is to be there for each other and to remember what the Bible teaches us. God’s great promise is valid today and for everyone. He invites everyone to actively experience it.
In this certainty and with God’s love in our hearts, we want to help the weak and those seeking help in a real way at eye level. Everyone is welcome and invited to walk this path together with us in our projects based on this orientation.
Fairdirect e.V. is a member of the project group Family and Poverty of the city of Marburg.